Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bacchus Winery

This week we did the Bacchus Winery negotiation, talked about cross cultural negotiation and handed in our real life negotiation papers. All of these different activities helped structure negotiation skills and helped us understand how complicated negotiations can become, especially if there are several parties that we need to work with.

The video we watched about the Japanese and American men working on a deal just goes to show how differently our two cultures go about business. In America we get right to the point of business and we do not beat around the bush too much. It may be difficult for Americans to understand that other cultures, like the Japanese, would prefer to build a strong, trustworthy relationship before they agree on a contract that may have terms which they like. In order to complete deals with other cultures, it is important to understand their viewpoints and study up on what type of values they have before you begin a negotiation with them.

The Bacchus Winery negotiation took great effort to come to a compromise. Tuan and I played the Tokyo Saki role, and we felt as if we were almost pushed to the side for most of the negotiation. Although the other two sides did ask us about our interests, they were busy trying to work out a solution to the Niko problem. What caused problems is that the Serbian team had lied about the outcomes of losing Niko. This confused our team and the Bacchus team. The Serbian team made it seem as if they were giving us a better deal, but really they got the better of it as they revealed what they had done at the end of the negotiation. We still do feel good about the outcome of our negotiate, but we still have not figured out the status of experience for our score.

The real world negotiation was another great experience, because it helps you better realize what typed of information you are left out on, and also shows you that the other party may lie about several things. Mine was done at a car dealer, so I do not blame the guy for lying about the blue book value of my car because I'm sure some people fall for it and the dealers claim a higher profit from the traded vehicle. Overall it was a good experience to actually go out and try a real negotiation even though my tactics may have been a little off. It made me wonder if I had known some of the material from this class when I purchased my car, would I have gotten a better deal?

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